Tips and Tricks

Tips And Tricks About Os X El That People Are Oblivious

As much as Apple and their MacBooks can be technologically advanced and very technically challenging, there are many hidden features and application that are not easily found if not pointed out. We are here just to help you see those small Capitan tips that Apple uses, be it new or old, can be put to use.

Accent Marks

While it’s the usage of an app known as the ‘Charmap’ that is used for the Windows based OS, it’s not really the same for the MacBook’s OS. If you want accented letters, all that is needed to be done is simply hold the letter of the accented letter that you wish for, a small pop-up dialogue box appears with all the array of the possible accented letters that can be used, each of the accented letters with a number tagged along to it. You just need to tap the corresponding number for the desired accented letter, and that shall be enough.



This feature is one of the most essential and important for every Mac user and who doesn’t like knowing a little short cut. Well, the shortcut that is not that prevalent and known for opening Spotlight is the usage of “Command + Space” (+Space) and that results in the opening of a small floating box amidst the middle of the screen which is Spotlight. And this feature is not just helpful in opening or launching of programs, but helps in conversion of units, be it currency or any physical unit, just type the category and to the kind, it needs to be converted, and Spotlight does the rest for you. It even is useful for simplification of math problems without having to use any Calculator app.

Take Screenshots

If you are using Windows operating system for years, you may have known about the “Print Screen” key on your keyboard. That’s the easiest and fastest method to take a screenshot on your Windows PC. But what about taking a screenshot on a Mac computer? For users who don’t know it yet, taking a screenshot in Mac OS X is quite simple. You only need to use a keyboard shortcut and then your wanted screenshot will be ready on your desktop screen. The keyboard shortcut is Command + Shift + 3.

If you want to select a part of your Mac screen and then take a screenshot of it, then you can use Command + Shift + 4. For further information about taking screenshots, read the Print Screen Mac tutorials here.

Tip of the Tongue words

Ever felt the unsorted irritation bubbling in because you just can’t seem to remember the word that is right at the tip of your tongue? Well, Mac will not disappoint in that too, rather help you remember that word that is on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t seem to grasp which one it is. Just Hit Fn+F5at the same time and according to the starting of the word you are trying to remember, a drop down box will appear with somewhat similar spellings to the word that you are trying to type out.

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If a person is an Apple user, then the feature AirPlay is not something they are unfamiliar with, but if you are new to the Apple family, let’s throw some light on it. AirPlay is basically Apple’s networked audio and video protocol, something that lets a person stream their music or even videos from their iPhone or MacBook connecting directly to speakers or even television. While you might wait for iTunes or QuickTime to load finally, so you can access it, let’s change it all with a little shortcut. Right across the menu bar, there is a symbol in the shape of a somewhat flat screen television with a triangle in front.That is the AirPlay symbol – just click on it and if you have any Apple TV surrounding the proximity, the feature will enlist the entire compatible device and from where you can stream your audio or video file.