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Top 3 new features in iOS 6

With the latest Android phones such as the HTC ONE X and the Samsung Galaxy S III picking up some speed as well as Google’s new Jelly bean mobile operating system just round the corner. It’s about time that Apple really started fighting back, in the latest Apple news information Apple has released information of its latest mobile operating system coming out soon. It looks like they are doing just that. Truthfully there is an endless list of new features that the operating system has received in this update but here is the top 3.

1. Facebook – Twitter has done it so now Facebook has to join in, with the growing use of mobile in the social networking scene it is about time that Apple and Facebook put its differences behind them and in this update they have. The update will give Facebook users added integration into the phones operating system letting you post images straight from the camera roll, added contact integration into the iPhones phone book. This update of the iOS operating system will also give you the ability to add Facebook events to your calendar.

2. Siri – There has also been a long overdue update to Siri in this version of the OS. The voice assistant on the Apple phone has started to miss functionality recently compared to voice activation offered by Google and Microsoft. In iOS 6 Apple has improved the quality of the service but there has also been functionality updates such as the ability to

3. Passbook – The Passbook app is in development for the iOS 6 update. This application is meant to be your digital wallet, so you will no longer need a bulky wallet to carry around with you everywhere you go. The sort of things this application stores are your board passes for flights, store cards, cinema ticket and most other types of tickets really from what we can tell. It will be very interesting to see what happens in the next couple