Social Media

Social Marketing Strategies To Move Your Company Forward

Social media marketing uses social media platforms to promote and sell a company’s products, services, and brand. You can use paid or unpaid (also called organic) social media marketing tactics to help increase the amount of sales you make online and to create more awareness around your brand.

To better utilize social media marketing, you should use the following tactics to implement it:

1. Keep your content fresh

To grow your social media following and keep them coming back for more, you will want to be posting interesting and compelling content on a regular basis. The positives of posting frequency has actually been measured by studies, so it’s important to know the best timelines you should be posting by and what you should be posting as well.

Each platform you post on will have a different user appetite for posting and you’ll want to have a plan in place for each of them. JJ’s House uses helpful tools to schedule future posts to make sure that they don’t ever miss a post and that they keep customers engaged and curious about new offerings, which increases their conversion rates.

2. Make it easy to share your products

Utilize social media buttons to their full extent by making sure that each of your products has “share” buttons. This can increase the virality of your website. You’ll want people to have the option to share your content from anywhere from Facebook, to Twitter, to Pinterest, and beyond. Each button you add is one more chance that someone who wants to buy them will see your products.

3. Create a treasure hunt on Pinterest

Pinterest’s unique visual platform is great for brand’s that have vibrant and interesting products to offer. You can drive online sales by using Pinterest to encourage people to imagine themselves already owning and using your products.

To create a Pinterest treasure hunt, involve some influencers as partners to post an image to each of their Pinterest boards. Each of these images are supposed to provide clues that lead to the next image. Fans who find all the images can be forwarded to a hidden page where you can either offer a discount, a raffle, or some other promotion.

You can get the ball rolling by creating a blog post teasing about the hunt that will link to the first image.

4. Be active on hashtags

‘Hashtags help to organize people’s interactions with social media, so it’s important that you be a part of that if you want to increase your sales’, Yvonne from VeryVoga said. Social media monitoring tools like Hootsuite can help you locate, retweet, and reply to relevant hashtags that mention your company or that give you the change to insert your companies’ products in the conversation. Do not treat hashtags the same on every channel, however. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook all have different ways of interacting with tweets and should be adhered to so as not to make your company seem outdated and desperate.