ROI4CIO has suggested that sellers publish content that helps them sell IT products. Why will IT vendors share their secrets with others?
The simple answer is because ROI4CIO pays for this content and someone will want to be the first to present stories that sell, describe the comparison of product characteristics with competitors, share a persuasive pitch, etc. That is, just to share knowledge and earn extra income for it.
But this argument is not always true. Indeed, there are a lot of products that are available in a wide channel, with extensive sales experience and plenty of successful sellers. Someone from the sellers, say, Cisco, HPE, DELL, or VMware, will be the first to really want to get ahead of colleagues, promote itself, and earn some money.
But there are vendors who do not want to “reveal their cards” to competitors. They believe that the description of their differences in functionality with others – price, “use case,” and ROI – is their secret weapon. Why should they disclose this information?
The correct answer according to ROI4CIO is “Because if the product is really useful, the losses from competitors will be less than the gain from the number of sellers who can bring their value to the market.”
But ROI4CIO allows you to share information with end users. Why?
Another reason why sellers should share information that sells a product is the rectification of the sales chain and the increasing role of the buyer in sales. The CEO/CFO/CIO/CISO/DTO/ themselves “sell” technologies within their company nowadays, and not only to the board of directors.
They defend their decision, the investment plan. Sellers are interested in giving them arguments why your product will solve their problems, letting them choose the configuration themselves, evaluate ROI, find out references, compare with competitors.
Nowadays, the buyer is often more knowledgeable about products than the sellers. If you withhold information from buyers, you lose potential sales. There are many blogs and closed groups online where the advantages and disadvantages of products are discussed and positive and negative user experience is given.
The buyer and the seller will still do a study on this information. Isn’t it easier to publish these data in a convenient format once this is an “open secret”?
ROI4CIO earns points for content confirmed by vendors or market experts. Sellers can convert these points into money and receive them in their PayPal wallet, or they can transfer them to other sellers. Why?
For example, in gratitude for the quality content that helped them. Or a vendor can use such means to order the creation and publication of new content or sales tools for successful sellers. Whether this content will be accessible to all or limited in access only to authorized partners is decided by the customer.
For example, sellers can publish their tools, practices, and sales secrets in another language, which will in no way create competition for them in their market.