Tips and Tricks

Merging Your Digital Efforts With Your Good, Old-Fashioned Telephone Efforts

digital effort telephone

You’re doing everything you can with digital. Reading the right articles, posting the right things on social, blogging about the right stuff to drive traffic to your page, and yet something in you just isn’t quite sure if you’re achieving the results you want, and if you are, you aren’t sure why. Yes, you measure everything you’re doing – you pay attention to things like engagement and your insights on social media. And you THINK sales are going up… you just can’t be certain you can DEFINITELY attribute these successes to your digital efforts. What should you do?

digital effort telephone

It’s important to have an idea of what’s working, and what isn’t, so that you can make any necessary improvements and thus drive sales. Let me remind you – your business is quite unlikely to survive solely on your online efforts, and many businesses still have a telephone aspect to them, too. Calltracks is a fantastic tracking service which allows you to see where your calls are coming from, and thus where your conversions are being made from your different online channels. For example, any return you’re getting from social media can be easily analysed using cold, hard data, due to the fact that every individual visitor to your site will be shown a different telephone number to call you, depending on how they heard about you. If your social strategy is working, it’ll be obvious from the start. The same goes for a different code which can be embedded on your website, blog and so on, so any successes can be easily attributed and efforts can be focused on those causing less telephone enquiries or conversions. You’re able to integrate online with offline, seamlessly.

Of course, there are plenty of other ways to ensure that your offline phone work isn’t letting you down, especially if your digital work is highly advanced. We all still need to field calls, and people often want to talk to a real, live person at the end of the day! Sometimes it can come down to something as simple as having the right space to work your phone manner in with your digital manner. An office with a receptionist available to handle any calls that may come through as a result of your efforts (regardless of where these are) is a great idea, which is similar to the service offered by Priestgate Offices, for example. It’s important that the actual process of answering the calls is dealt with effectively – after all, no matter how good the online presence was which lead to the telephone enquiry, if the physical presence of the first person they speak to just doesn’t cut it, they’ll probably not want to waste their time going any further.