
IoT Transforming The Educational Sector – The Smart Classrooms Technology

Did You Know!

The present technological advancements are poised to revolutionize the world that we all live in.

The applications linked with the Internet of Things are getting into numerous industry verticals. Out of those sectors, IoT apps associated with the education spectrum are outstanding.

You Must Be Wondering “Why”?

That’s because IoT is metamorphosing education like never before. IoT system is the buoyant force behind all the unthinkable changes.

Undeniably, IoT holds the potential to integrate data-driven decisions crafting their way into every aspect of human activity. The network of sensors and actuators in an IoT incorporated system are blurring the subtle line between the physical and digital worlds.

Even, as per the latest reports by Market and Markets Research Pvt. Ltd, the global IoT in the education market is predicted to increase from USD 4.8 billion in 2018 to 11.3 billion by 2023 at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) OF 18.8%.

But, IoT Isn’t A New Concept

The software development company has already made IoT an unforgettable part of our lives. Industries have been utilizing this emerging technology to monitor machines and observe the upcoming changes in the arena.

The healthcare landscape is among the list to use IoT technology. Hospitals are using it to keep closer looks on vital human signs. Smart devices are taking care of our daily to-do list from switching the lights of the room to managing our offices.

And, in the near future smart cars will be seen governing the roads.

The technology is dynamically encompassing almost every angle of our lives. The idea of smart cities is no more a distant vision. According to Deloitee insights, this model is solely designed to improve the quality of life, sustainability and economic competitiveness.

De facto, the internet is facilitating the new forms of collective intelligence that are bracing the automated world.

However, education is one of the sectors where IoT technology is still in it’s infancy stage. It’s high time for educational firms to strive and implement IoT methods.

The Urge For Advancement In The Education Industry

In spite of the incredible technological progress over the last few years, opting for the smart class technology has been rather late in leveraging the transformations in learning methods.

Therefore, the latest technology trends should be integrated into the educational system asap. Else, it’s at the risk of falling behind.

Modernization of the education sector can manifold the productivity of both – individual and the nation. As the quality parameters of the education system improve, so too does the acuity of the student.

According to a recent survey from Microsoft and YouGov stated that 60 per cent of parents were optimistic about the role-play of smart class technology in their junior’s learning process. More impressively, 86 percent said that the technology used in schools, such as computers and educational softwares, was a boon to their child’s education.

The Journey From Classrooms To Smart Classrooms

Gone are the days of chalk and duster.

Now, it’s time to hire software developers and abide conventional learning methods with the latest digital e-learning trends. And, turning into a soon to be reality, electronic devices are curating a permanent niche in the educational hub. There is no more one-size-fits all approach, especially not in the learning arena.

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR and Internet of Things, are reinventing typical ideologies. They are bringing transformation into the mainstream.

How Iot Systems Implementations Bring The Education Revolutions

IoT enabled education solutions vary from smart boards to enhanced school security apps to manage a comfortable and secure physical environment to study in.

A smart classroom, a technically-advanced classroom can be equipped with following IoT systems.

• Intuitive whiteboards

• Automatic attendance tracking systems

• Student ID cards

• Temperature controllers and sensors

• Smart, highly-efficient lighting and predictive maintenance for infrastructure and architecture

• Smart HVAC systems

• Lockdown protocols with wireless door locks

• Enhanced security systems

Considered as an extension, connected schools can also provide smart buses. This approach will help parents to keep a track of their toddler dropping with the internet access, allowing them to consume content en route.

The Benefits

1. Expansive Learning

With the inception of technology, it’s not necessary for a school-based on IoT consist of an ordinary classroom with students reading from a book. Indeed, it accelerates the learning approach over the internet via group sessions and activities, webinars, debates and discussions.

2. Enhanced Current Resources

As IoT systems need an array of devices from which data can be collected. Smart learning software and IoT apps allow students to collaborate through their phones and smart devices.

Even, the leading software development company are fore-runner in creating tech-enabled books that jell with connected pens allowing students to mark or highlight several vital portions of text.

Moreover, IoT lends a hand in bringing activities to the classroom that would seem a faraway vision. But, now students can experience a more technical side of the course. For example, models and simulations can help to explain the daunting topics like planetary movements or weather conditions easily.

3. Active Engagement

Education should be interactive to be effective. As the technology behind IoT is also interactive, it makes sense to fuse the two and reap double the benefits.

Students can learn more by receiving constant feedback on their work and assignments. Interactive learning material generates a child’s curiosity to create and learn.

For instance, the use of supplemental study helps make the examination more easily accessible to students of all ages anywhere and anytime.

4. Interactive Teaching Session

With IoT altering the dynamics of the principles of education, it is essential to hire software developer that abide to deliver innovation with reliability in educational apps.

As instructors, no longer explains a topic. Instead, they interact with several components of the classroom. Learn through activities that boost individual skills.

Don’t forget, IoT cultivates task-based instruction where students learn-by-doing and teachers assist round the clock.

5. Helps Students With Disabilities

The amalgam of IoT and AI can help disabled students obtain an education, as well. Microsoft, a known company, applauded for its contributions to technology, is supporting the modernization of classrooms to cater to children with special needs.

The first-ever symbol-based communication app, Snap + Core First, to help children with speech and language barriers expressing themselves.

Wrapping Up…

With IoT, possibilities are endless. So, align with the ideal software development company to curate your nook in the promising educational industry.