Did you know that we watch more than 1 billion hours of YouTube videos a day more than Facebook and Netflix videos combined? Additionally, YouTube is the third most visited site and the second largest search engine.
This is why most people put a lot of effort and money in advertising through the YouTube platform. But, one of the reasons you are likely to fail miserably in your YouTube advertising campaign is the way you introduce your brand.
Wondering how to make a YouTube intro?
Read on to learn some tips.
Keep it Simple and Sweet
The ideal intro should be short. Address the issue your customers are facing, present a solution, and expound on how you are going to implement the solution.
Don’t forget to add a call to action (CTA) to provoke your viewers into action.
Pose a Question
Asking questions keeps your readers attentive. Your viewers will think about the questions you are asking and will be practically engaged by your intro.
If brought out correctly, questions can be the key to capturing the attention of your viewers.
Use Your Brand Colors
Did you know that color increases brand recognition by about 80%? So, include the signature colors of your brand in the intro as they act as a magnet for consumers.
Additionally, this helps your viewers recognize the brand on other platforms, increasing its popularity.
Invoke a Controversy
People are drawn to controversies like bees are drawn to honey. Making videos based on controversial issues is definitely going to attract a lot of views. For example, when you post videos about religion, some of your viewers will like your clips while others will dislike them.
Whether your videos are liked or disliked, your main concern is not opinion but to generate a lot of views.
Use Quotes or Sayings
Start with a small quote or a saying from a well-respected personality. The quote is likely to attract a high number of viewers if it is associated with a popular public image.
Alternatively, use metaphors, analogies, and anecdotes to capture the viewer’s attention.
Use a YouTube Intro Maker
Do you have an idea for you into but don’t know where to begin? Thankfully, you can find an intro maker for YouTube online. The customizable intro templates will make it easier for you to create killer intros, which grab the attention of your viewers.
Use a USP
Start the intro with a unique selling point (USP). Your viewers are after quality content and will get bored reading long statements that stray away from the main issue.
Instead of keyword stuffing, get to the point. Tell your viewers why you stand out from your competitors.
Final Thoughts on How to Make a YouTube Intro
A picture is worth more than a thousand words, and in this case, a YouTube video can achieve more than most marketing strategies.
Don’t be left behind wondering how to make a YouTube intro. Take action by contacting us today to popularize your brand, profession, music, or whatever it’s you want to share with the world.