
Four Things To Think About When Moving Abroad For Work

So you’ve got a great job, you’re earning a decent wage and you’re enjoying your current career direction. What can make this work life even better? For many people this could mean moving abroad, not only will you get to explore a new part of the world, you get to have a different experience in the workplace.

Although this will be a great adventure with many fun journeys along the way, there will be a few things you need to consider and prepare before you go. It won’t be as easy as putting your belongings in a few boxes and heading for the airport, but these items will help you think about the items you might have forgotten to add to your to-do list.

Your Cost Of Living

You should be given a clear idea of your salary and benefits when you’re offered a role. Make sure that you negotiate your salary in line with the local cost of living and work out what you’ll need for property rental, household and living costs.

Also, do some research in advance of your move for how you can set up a bank account as an expat; you might be able to find information about the best ones for your location. A local bank account may take some time to set up, and might require you to make a visit in-person once you arrive. Also speak to your future employer for more details. You’ll also need to prepare the logistics of your move. It’s best to consult long distance movers to get your belongings moved safely.

Getting A Visa

Many countries will require you to get a work permit or visa for you to work there legally; you will usually need a firm job offer before applying. Employers can apply for a visa on your behalf, but you should get clarification on this before accepting your new role.

Have a look at the relevant foreign embassy website for information about the country to which you’ll be relocating; some will need you to have a passport that’s valid for a certain period after your arrival date. You could also consult an investment immigration attorney or pay a visit to the Law Office of David Hirson for instance, if you’re moving to the US on a business visa.

Learn The Language

It’s a good idea to get a headstart before you leave if you’re going to a country where you don’t speak the language. Try to learn the basics, and think about having a crash course so you’re more comfortable when you get there. It’s also one way to prevent culture shock.

Research Your Destination

Take some time to do some research on your new location before your move abroad for your work. Doing this will help you at each point, and being informed will mean you’ll be more relaxed during the process. You’ll learn some interesting information when you find out about the customs and culture of your new home.

You could try starting with travel guidebooks to get an overview. Also speak to people who have already spent time in your new place: you’ll find this first-hand experience invaluable.