Tech Trends

Auto Makers Marketing Better Technology For Driver Safety

When it comes to protecting drivers and their passengers, auto makers have a heavy responsibility weighing on their shoulders.

On the one hand, they build cars and trucks with the idea of making profits, profits that oftentimes soar into unimaginable numbers to most consumers.

On the other side of the coin, they are tasked with doing their best to build safe cars and trucks, vehicles that will get everyone home safely at the end of the day.

With that in mind, auto makers need to use a variety of different marketing tools at their disposal, tools that range from their websites to social media and much more.

So, if you’re an auto maker, what are you doing to drive off with better safety information for consumers, all the while seeing those profits roll in?

Spreading Your Message

So that you can get your car and truck safety messages out there to consumers, keep these marketing areas in mind:

1) Website

First and foremost, your company website is a great marketing tool, one that you absolutely need to take advantage of in giving consumers what they want and need to know.

With your website, you are able to reach out to millions of consumers, many of whom will want to know more about your products and services. One of those great areas of interest is of course vehicle safety.

Given the fact there were reportedly more than 38,000 deaths on America’s roadways just as recently as 2015, automakers know they still have lots of work on their hands to make driving safer.

That said automakers can use their websites to show some of the latest tech innovations that are geared towards making for safer experiences out on the roads.

Among some of the tech products added to vehicles of various makes and models in recent years include backup camera systems for safer vehicles, lane-changing alert warnings to help drivers avoid collisions, and automatic emergency breaking.

As part of your online safety initiatives, be sure to use video (see more below) to demonstrate how these tech innovations work.

They should also listen to feedback from drivers and passengers, wanting to learn what their experiences are like each and every time they get behind the wheel with one of their vehicles.

2) Video

With your website efforts should be a decent amount of reliance on video.

As great as blog content (see more below) and other written efforts can be, most consumers love imagery and video.

With that in mind, using videos to showcase how you are making cars and trucks safer is sure to grab the attention of many consumers.

In using videos, even though the subject matter is obviously quite serious, don’t be afraid to lighten things up a tad. In doing so, you are more likely to leave viewers with something they will remember.

3) Blog

Your website’s blog can be another great resource for consumers to come to and learn from.

For instance, use your blog to post not only what your brand is doing to promote vehicle safety, but also what overall safety trends in your industry are. As technology continues to improve how vehicles are not only made, but how they perform out on the open roads, consumers should be alerted to this.

Also look to various trade industry publications (Car and Driver, Consumer Reports etc.) to see what they are writing about when it comes to auto technology safety.

Along with your fellow automakers, many others with a stake in the industry write regularly on their blogs about vehicle safety and how to best prevent accidents.

By doing all you can to market the latest in vehicle safety technology, your auto brand stands a much better chance of driving away with more business.