Gadgets Tablets

5 Cool Things About the New Microsoft Surface Tablet

Microsoft is known for software, so what should you know about the company’s latest venture into the computing world with its Surface tablet? Quite a bit, actually, from its specs to what this could mean for the industry as a whole.

Microsoft is an evolving company that is increasingly looking for new products and services. The company has proven it can have success with hardware: the Xbox gaming system has been a huge hit. Microsoft wants to gain a foothold in the popular tablet marketplace and the company hopes the Surface is their next hit product.

Different Models to Choose From

The Surface will not be designed for just those seeking a means for basic connectivity, nor just for business professionals who need more power and programs than the average user. The RT version of the Surface is lighter, features an HD screen and provides all the basics that a person could need.

The Pro version provides better speed, more drive space, and software options beyond what is available on Microsoft marketplace, so knowing your needs and what these two models offer is one important thing you should know about Microsoft’s Surface tablet.


Utilizes the Windows 8 OS

There has been some criticism about the appearance of Windows 8, when it comes to the traditional computer market, but there is no denying that it appears to have been designed for use on tablets.

Because this is not only a tablet but also one designed by the same company that makes Windows 8, users should be able to expect Surface to demonstrate Windows’ optimal conditions for its OS.


The Surface features a touch cover and type cover that integrate easily with the tablet, while also covering the screen when closed. Unlike the clunky add-ons of other systems, the keyboard feels like a cohesive part of the tablet.

The same could be said of the tablet’s kickstand, in large part because it’s part of the tablet, and it is sturdy enough that some reviewers have noted picking the tablet up by the kickstand and not feeling as though they were about to break or drop these display models.

Microsoft Surface

Hardware and Ports

The Pro may weigh you down a bit, coming in at 2 pounds, when compared to the much lighter iPad, but it will have the processing power and hard drive capabilities of a traditional computer (think 128GB HD). Even the smaller of the two models will feature a hard drive no smaller than 32GB. Both models also offer normal sized USB ports and video ports.

A Bold Step

Maybe for the average user, this won’t matter nearly as much as it might to others, but this really has the potential to be a game changer for not only Microsoft, but other computer companies as well.

Typically, Microsoft has produced products for other hardware builders to utilize, but now the entire process will be done in-house, which could hurt other tablet companies. It could also force them to create products that out-perform the Surface; Acer’s CEO has even hinted at trying to find an alternative to working with Microsoft.